Take the original IASP exam preparation practice examination!
Questions have been designed by one of the IASP Pioneers SMP #12!
These questions come from the quiz embedded within separate workshop that is recognized by the IASP as an exam prep course for SPP and SMP certification examinations.
Registered course ID: 16786484
Valerie MacLeod, SMP, MBA
This course is designed by IASP Pioneer SMP #12, Valerie MacLeod, SMP & MBA, who was on the team that wrote the original exam questions. The current content and practice certification exam questions conform with IASP BOK3.0.
She has been training, facilitating and coaching in the Strategic Management area since 1996. Valerie has a Bachelors of Mathematics from the University of Waterloo and an Masters of Business Administration from the University of Calgary.
Why IASP certification candidates should do this practice examination:
This could be the key that unlocks the door to passing your IASP Certification Exam on the first try. We will help you save time by focusing on what really matters!
This practice examination content has been specifically modified to facilitate your preparation for passing your IASP SPP or SMP exams.
This quiz is part of a course has been approved by IASP as a certified preparation workshop for their SPP and SMP exams. It is registered with Course ID: 16786484.
This IASP (www.strategyassociation.org) registration does not make any guarantees that taking this course will assure certification will be earned. It simply means that the provider has met the filing requirements for registration.
we are the ONLY Certified Preparation Provider (CCP) that provides practice exam questions written by Haines Centre for Strategic Management Limited professionals who hold the SMP designation.
Some example questions
The practice exam questions used in the quiz for this course are not taken from the pool of questions that appear on the actual exams, as those are kept confidential to protect the integrity of the examinations themselves. These questions will, however, be similar in format and in content to those you may find on the examinations.
The IASP (www.strategyassociation.org) course registration does not make any guarantees that taking this course will assure certification will be earned. It simply means that the provider has met the filing requirements for registration.
The Systems Thinking Approach® to
Strategic Management
Self-paced IASP Exam Prep Workshop
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